• Български език
  • English
  • Plan-Schedule


    Annually, based on proposals from the departments, a plan-schedule is prepared for the upcoming calendar year. This plan-schedule outlines basic courses, thematic courses, individual training options, and the registration requirements.

    The plan-schedule is finalized and printed by the end of May each year and distributed accordingly.

    The plan-schedule includes the following:

    1. Basic Courses – Designed for doctors specializing within the frameworks of their respective specialty programs.

    2. Thematic Courses – These are included in the specialization programs and may also be offered as paid courses for specialists with higher education working in the healthcare system.

    3. Individual Training – Paid training sessions, not classified as Highly Specialized Activities, with a duration of up to four weeks. These sessions focus on methodologies and current developments in specific areas of the specialty.

    The fees for the various training programs are listed on the last page of the plan-schedule.

    Participants in paid thematic courses or individual training sessions are required to pay a participation fee of 30 BGN, as determined by Order № PR 36227/19.08.2008 issued by the Rector of the Medical University – Sofia.

    Payments for course participation or individual training sessions must be made via bank transfer.



    Bank account

    Bank: Eurobank EFG Bulgaria

    Address: 1, Bulgaria Sq., Sofia

    Postal code: 1000

    Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University – Sofia

    IBAN: EN 63 BPBI 7940 3163 9822 01

    BIC code: BPBIBGSF



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