• Български език
  • English
  • Dean


    Prof. Dr. Dimitar Ivanov Bulanov, MD


    Date and place of birth - 08.05.1965, Sofia.

    Secondary education - 1983, 19 Secondary school "Elin Pelin", Sofia.

    Higher education in Medicine - 1991, Medical University - Sofia.

    1992 - 1995 - consecutively trained doctor-intern in Neurosurgery and assistant in Neurosurgery at the Department of Emergency Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Military Medical Academy - Sofia.

    Since 1996 - after passing the competition for Assistant Professor - lecturer and surgeon at the Department of General and Operative Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, Medical University-Sofia, based in the Clinic of General and Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery (First Surgery) at the University Hospital "Alexandrovska".

    2001 - acquired a specialty in Surgery.

    2001 - completed a course in Health Management at the Faculty of Public Health, Medical University – Sofia.


    Academic development:

    1996 - 2001 - Assistant Professor, 2001 - 2004 - Senior Assistant Professor, 2004 - 2012 - Chief Assistant Professor, since 2012 - Associate Professor of Surgery, since 2020 - Professor of Surgery.

    2010 - еducational and scientific degree "Doctor" of Medicine

    PhD thesis: "Studies on the volume of lymph node dissection as a component of surgical treatment of gastric cancer in stages 0-IIIB" - 2010.

    Participation in over 80 scientific forums in Surgery in Bulgaria and abroad. Co-author of 3 textbooks and 2 manuals for medical students. Author and co-author in over 120 publications in specialized scientific medical journals in Surgery and 4 scientific research projects. 

    Total IF: 26,323; RG Score 18.78; h-index 6. Participation in research projects: "Erant - 2010" - Contract № 24/2010 (participant); "Erant - 2016" - Contract № 62/27.05.2016 (participant); "Erant - 2016" - Contract № 110/02.05.2017 (lead researcher); "Erant - 2020" - Contract № 129/24.06.2020 (lead researcher). 


    Administrative posts related to professional development:

    From 2002 to 2012 - Scientific Secretary of the journal “Surgery”

    Since 2012 - member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Surgery” 

    Since 2014 - member of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Society of Surgery

    2014 - 2018 - Vice-Chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Surgery

    Since 2016 - member of the Management Board of the Union of Bulgarian Medical Specialists

    2019 - 2021 - member of the Expert Council on the medical specialty "Surgery", Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria

    2013 - 2020 - Deputy Director for Medical Activities, University Hospital "Alexandrovska"

    07.2020 - 09.2020 - Executive Director of University Hospital "Alexandrovska"

    10.2020 - 06.2021 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of University Hospital "Alexandrovska"

    2016 - 2020 - Vice Dean for Educational Activities, Medical Faculty, Medical University - Sofia
    2016 - 2024 - Member of the Faculty Council of Medical Faculty, Medical University - Sofia
    From 10.2020 - Dean of Medical Faculty, Medical University - Sofia
    From 07.2024 - Member of the Academic Council, Medical University - Sofia


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