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    Denchev, S., Simova, I., Matveev, M. Evaluation of the SCHILLER BR-102 plus noninvasive ambulatory blood pressure monitor according to the International Protocol introduced by the Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring of the European Society of Hypertension. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2007;12(5):329-333.

    Simova, I., Nossikov, A., Denchev, S. Interobserver and Intraobserver Variability of Flow- Mediated Vasodilatation of the Brachial Artery. Echocardiography 2008; 25(1): 77-83.

    Simova, I., Denchev, S. Endothelial functional and structural impairment in patients with different degree of coronary artery disease development. Heart and Vessels. 2008; 23:305.

    Simova, I., Denchev, S., Dimitrov, S. Endothelial function in patients with and without diabetes mellitus with different degrees of coronary artery stenosis. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. 2009;37(1):35-9.

    Simova, I., Denchev, S., Dimitrov, S. Effects of statins on endothelial function in patients wcoronary artery disease. Clinical Cardiology. 2009; 32(4):193-8.

    Simova, I., Katova, T., Denchev, S., Dimitrov, S. Diagnostic accuracy of flow mediated dilatation and intima media thickness for the presence of significant coronary artery disease. Journal of the American Society of Hypertension.2010; 4(4):203- 208.

    Cherneva, Zh., S. Denchev, R. Chereneva et, al. Clinical significance of hyperglycaemia in Acute Coronary Syndrome patients. Acute Cardiac Care – Posted online on November 7, 2011 (doi:10.3109/17482941. 2011.629661) http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/1748294 1.2011.629661 in press.

    Denchev, S., Zh. Cherneva, R. Chereneva et al. Inflammatory cytokines at admission independent prognostic markers in patients with acute coronary syndrome and hyperglycaemia. Acute Cardiac Care – in press.

    Yaneva, T., Tarnovska, R. Cognitive impairment in treated patients with home measured blood pressure not in the recommended range. e462 Journal of Hypertension Vol 28, e Supplement A, June 2010PP.26.45. European National Society Cardiovascular Journals: Background, Rationale and Mission Statement of the “Editors? Club” (Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology) F. Alfonso, G. Ambrosio, F. J. Pinto, E. E. van der Wall (Chairman of the Task Force),Kondili, D. Nibouche, K. Adamyan, K. Huber, H. Ector, I. Masic, R. Tarnovska, et al.





    Пенкова, M., М. Гълъбова, Юл. Ананиев, Р. Иванова, Л. Матева. Честота и характеристика на синдрома на претоварване с желязо при пациенти С хронични чернодробни заболявания. Българска хепатогастроентерология, XIII, 2011, 1, 59-66.

    Иванова, Р., Ст. Денчев, Л. Матева. Статини и чернодробни заболявания. Българска хепатогастроентерология, XIII, 2011, 1, 77-83.

    Владимиров, Б., К. Чернев, С. Стойнов, И. Коцев, З. Спасова, Д. Таков, И. МАринова, Н. Кръстев, И. Чакърски. Приложение на въпросника ГЕРБ-В за диагностициране на гастро-езофагеалната рефлуксна болест (ГЕРБ) при амбулаторни пациенти със симптоми от горния гастроинтестинален тракт. Българска хепатогастроентерология, XIII, 2011, 1, 13-25.

    Спасова, З. Екстраезофагеални прояви на гастроезофагеалната рефлуксан болест ( ГЕРБ). Българска хепатогастроентерология, XIII, 2011, 1, 36-40.

    Спасова, З. Гастроезофагеална рефлуксна болест и бременност. Българска хепатогастроентерологя, XIII, 2011, 1, 41-44.

    de Mey, C., L. Mateva, Z. Krastev, R. Sachse, N. Wood, B. Malhotra. Effects of Hepatic Dysfunction on the Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics of Fesoterodine. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2011; 51:397-405.

    Krastev, Z., I. Stoev, D. Jelev, A. Ivanova, K. Antonov, L. Mateva. High prevalence of HbsAg carriers in a specific community in Bulgaria. Journal of IMAB 2011; 17(1): 151 – 153.

    Antonov, K., D. Jelev, R. Ivanova, А. Alexiev, S. Dragneva, L. Mateva. Metabolic face of chronic hepatitis B and C in Bulgaria. Journal of IMAB 2011; 17(1): 193-196.

    Jelev, D., K. Antonov, A. Ivanova, Z. Krastev. Predictors of sustained response to interferon-based therapy in chronic hepatitis B. Journal of IMAB, 2011; 17(1): 154-156.

    Antonov, K., D. Jelev, A. Ivanova, Z. Krastev. Predictors of sustained virological response to Peg IFN alfa and ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Journal of IMAB, 2011; 17(1):197 – 199.





    Popivanov, P., M. Protich, D. Manolov et al. Autonomic neuropathy and erectile dysfunction in diabetic patients. Medicographia, 16, 1994, Suppl. 1, 94-95.

    Christov, V., Nestorov, I., Dimitrov A. Educating the Diabetes Care Professionals in Eastern Europe: a Bulgarian Experience. Diabetic Medicine, 12, 1995, 436-440.

    Christov, V. Twinning in Action – Bulgaria and Uniied Kingdom. In: The International Diabetes Federation Guide to Twinning. Brussels, IDF, 1996, 19-21.

    Boyanov, M., P. Popivanov, C. Roux. Separate Assessment of Forearm Cortical and Trabecular Bone Density from Standard Densitometry Data. Annals of Medicine, 2001; 33(10):497-506.

    Boyanov, M. & P. Popivanov. Prevalence of low forearm bone density in a Bulgarian female referral population. Osteoporos Int, 2002; (13)4:288-295.

    Boyanov, M., P. Popivanov, G. Gentchev. Assessment of forearm volumetric bone mineral density from standard areal densitometry data. J Clin Densitometry, 2002; (5)4:391-402.

    Boyanov, M., Z. Boneva, V.G. Christov. Testosterone supplementation in men with type 2 diabetes, visceral obesity and partial androgen deficiency. Aging Male, 6, 2003, 1, 1-7.

    Boyanov, M. , V. Christov. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in Bulgarian women referred for bone density screening. Obes. Res., 2005, 13, 9, 1505-9.

    Каменов, З. Диабетна невропатия, 2006, ИК „ЗИП“ ЕООД, София, монография 386 стр. ISBN-10:954-9369-05-6; ISBN-13: 978-954-9369-05-2.

    Boyanov, M. Prevalence of Low Central Bone Mineral Density in a Bulgarian Female Referral Population: a Pilot Study. Rheumat. Int., 2006, 26,6, 523-529.

    Tack, C. J., Christov, V., de Galan, B. E., Derwahl, K. M., Klausmann, G., Pelikanova, T., Perusicova, J., Boss, A. H., Amin, N., Kramer, D., Petrucci, R., Yu, W. 005 Study Group. Randomized forced titration to different doses of technosphere insulin demonstrates reduction in postprandial glucose excursions and hemoglobin A1c in patients with type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2008 Jan;2(1):47-57.

    Boyanov, M. Estimation of lumbar spine bone mineral density by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry: standard anteroposterior scans versus sub-regional analyses of whole body scans. Br J. Radiol., 2008, 81, 8, 637-642.

    Ivanova J., M. Boyanov, A. Toshev, P. Popivanov. Association of the Sp1 Collagen Type Iα1 Gene Polymorphisms with the Bone Mineral Density in Bulgarian Women Referred for Bone Densitometry. - Turkish J. Endocrinol. Metab., 2011, 9, 3, 66-70.

    Borissova, A.-M., R. Rashkov, M. Boyanov et al. Femoral neck bone mineral density and 10-year absolute fracture risk in a national representative sample of Bulgarian women aged 50 years and older. – Archives of Osteoporosis, 2011 Dec;6(1-2):189-95.

    Ivanova J., M. Boyanov, A. Toshev. Polymorphisms of the Human IL-1 Receptor Antagonist Gene and Forearm Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women. – Indian J. Endocrinol. Metab., 2012 Jul;16(4):580-4. 4.

    Kinov P, Boyanov M. Clinical utility of risedronate in postmenopausal osteoporosis: patient considerations with delayed-release formulation. Int J Womens Health. 2012;4:167-74.

    Christov, V., Kamenov, Z., Todorova, M., Karamfilova,V., Bakalov, D. The first diabetes prevention program in Bulgaria. In: Diabetes Prevention in Practice. Eds: PEH. Schwarz, P. Reddy, CJ. Graves, JA. Dunbar, J Schwarz. Publ: Union Druckerei Dresden GmbH. 2010, pp.149-156. ISBN 978-3- 00-030765-2.

    Каменов, З., Орбецова, Н., Гатева, А. Синдром на поликистозните яйчници. 2010, ИК „ЗИП“ ЕООД, София, монография 260 стр. ISBN: 978-954-9369-17-5.

    Kamenov, Z., Parapunova, R., Georgieva, R. Earlier development of diabetic neuropathy in men than in women with type 2 diabetes. Gender medicine, 2010;7(6):600-615.

    Kamenov, Z., Petrova, J., Christov, V. Diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy and risk determination using simple somatic and a new autonomic (Neuropad®) tests in the clinical practice. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2010;118(4):226-33.

    Каменов, З., Коларов, Г., Гатева, А. Неконтрацептивни ефекти на оралните контрацептиви 2011, ИК „ДАДА” ЕООД, София, монография 174 стр. ISBN: 978-954-8519-29-8.

    Kamenov, Z. Comparison of the first intake of vardenafil and tadalafil in patients with diabetic neuropathy and diabetic erectile dysfunction. JSM, 2011;8(3):851–864.

    Kamenov Z., Karamfilova V., Chavrakov G. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy in 330 unselected consecutive patients with thyroid nodules. ISRN Endocrinology, 2011, Article ID 284837, 7 pages.

    Каменов, З., Гатева, А., Христов, В.. Медикаментозно лечение на захарен диабет тип 2. 2011, ИК „ДАДА“ ЕООД, София, монография 416 стр. ISBN: 978-954-8519-30-4.

    Gateva A, Kamenov Z. Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Bulgarian Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and/or Obesity. Obstet Gynecol Int. 2012;2012:306347.

    Gateva A, Kamenov Z. Sexual function in Bulgarian patients with PCOS and/or obesity before and after metformin treatment. Advances in Sexual Medicine, 2012;2:25-29

    Angelova P, Momchilova A, Petkova D, Staneva G, Pankov R, Kamenov Z. Testosterone replacement therapy improves erythrocyte membrane lipid composition in hypogonadal men. Aging Male. 2012 Sep;15(3):173-9. Epub 2012 Jul 9.

    Gateva A, Kamenov Z. Markers of visceral obesity and cardiovascular risk in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2012;164:161–166

    Mehrabian S, Raycheva M, Gateva A, Todorova G, Angelova P, Traykova M, Stankova T, Kamenov Z, Traykov L. Cognitive dysfunction profile and arterial stiffness in type 2 diabetes. J Neurol Sci. 2012; 322(1–2):152–156

    Gateva AKamenov ZAssessment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients’ Perception for Different Cardiovascular Risk Factors using QuestionnaireBritish Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 2013;3(1):49-57

    Tsakova AD, Gateva AT, Kamenov ZA. 25(OH) vitamin D levels in premenopausal women with polycystic ovary syndrome and/or obesity. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2012;82(6):399-404

    Gateva A, Kamenov Z, Tsakova A. NT-proBNP levels in premenopausal women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and/or obesity. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2013 Nov;33(8):868-72.





    Любомирова, М., Е. Андреев, Б. Богов. Наднорменото телесно тегло като рисков фактор за усложнения при пункционна бъбречна биопсия. – Медицински преглед, 46, 2010, № 1, 54-57.

    Джераси, Р., М. Любомирова. Приложение на триплекс ехографията в периода на бременността. Диагностичен и терапевтичен ултразвук. 2, 2010, 38-47.

    Кръстева, Р., Е. Андреев, В. Стойнова. Доплерова крива „парвус и тардус“ на бъбречните артерии при коарктация на аортата, Диагностичен и терапевтичен ултразвук, 2010, 2, 59-64.

    Джераси, Р., М. Любомирова, Р. Ковачева, С. Савова, Д. Костова. Приложение на триплекс ехографията при остър пиелонефрит в хода на бременността. Диагностичен и терапевтичен ултразвук, вол. 18, 1, 2010, 36-43.

    Джераси, Р., М. Любомирова. Приложение на триплекс ехографията в периода на бременността. Диагностичен и терапевтичен ултразвук, вол. 18, 2, 2010, 38-46.

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    Djerassi, R., M. Krupev, M. Nikolova, N. Naumov, V. Marianovski, C. Elenkov, A. Postadjian. Recurrence of retroperitoneal fibrosis with pancreatic involvment- the importance of imaging methods. Centr Eur Jounal of Medicine 2008; 3, 3: 365-369.

    Kiperova, B., Nikolova, M. The role of complement in lupus nephritis. BANTAO Journal 2008; 6, 1: 6-10.

    Voynova, E., Tchorbanov, A., Prechl, J., Nikolova, M., Baleva, M., Erdei, A., Vassilev, T. An antibodybased construct carrying DNA-mimotope and targeting CR1(CD35) selectively suppresses human autoreactive B-lymphocytes. Immunol Lett. 2008 Mar 15; 116(2):168-73. Epub 2008 Jan 22.

    Yovchevski, P., Bogov, B., Hristov, R., Boneva, Z. Usefulness of Color ultrasonography for guidance of percutaneous renal biopsy. Ultrasound in medicine&biology, Volume 35, Issue 8, Supp 1,  S177, 2009.





    Маринчева, С., Р. Рашков, Зл. Коларов. Автоинфламаторни синдроми II част. Общи принципи в патогенезата на автоинфламаторните синдроми. Ревматол., XVIII, 2010, № 2, 28-35

    Калинова, Д., Р. Рашков, Зл. Коларов. Туморасоциирани миозити. – Ревматол., XVII, 2009, № 4, 18-25.

    Мarinсhеv, L., К. Antonov, V. Peytcheva, Zl. Kolarov. Outcome in a patient with lupus erythematosus and concurrent chronic hepatitis В infection. BMJ Case Reports 2010; doi: 10.1136/ bcl.09.2009.2273

    Калинова, Д., Р. Рашков, Зл. Коларов. Миозит-специфични и миозит-асоциирани антитела при болни с идиопатичните възпалителни миопатии. Topmedica, бр. 5/2010, 20-22.

    Petranova, T., R. Rashkov, I. Sheytanov, R. Nestorova, S. Monov, L. Marinchev. Beneficial effect of Stroncium Ranelate on back pain and bone mineral density in patients with postmenopausal osteoporisis. Osteoporosis Int (2010) 21: [Suppl 1] S351.

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