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  • Postgraduate education - aims and objectives

    Postgraduate education - aims and objectives

    The Postgraduate Education sector at the Medical Faculty - Sofia organizes, registers, and coordinates postgraduate training for specialists working in the healthcare system.

    Postgraduate training includes the following:

    1. Training to acquire a specialty in the healthcare system.

    2. Continuing education for specialists with higher medical or non-medical education employed in the healthcare sector.

    The training programmes are conducted by the lecturers from the departments and clinical centers of the Medical Faculty - Sofia.

    The forms of postgraduate training include basic and thematic courses, as well as individual practical training sessions. These are aligned with the curricula of the respective specialties.

    Continuing education for specialists is offered in the form of thematic courses and individual training sessions to enhance their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

    Training for acquiring a specialty, along with continuing education for specialists, is organized, registered, and administered in compliance with the regulations governing such programmes.

    Graduates of the various forms of postgraduate education receive certificates upon completion.

    The postgraduate training to acquire a specialty at the Faculty of Medicine takes the form of a structured specialization programme. This training is conducted in accordance with curricula approved by the Minister of Health for a fixed duration specified in the Nomenclature of Specialties (Annex 1 to Article 1, Subparagraph 1 of Regulation № 34, dated 29th December 2006). The program culminates with a final state examination before an examination board. Graduates are awarded a certificate recognizing their specialty.


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